My CV, Thoughts and Information
This could be the moment.jpg


My thoughts around organisations, business, strategy, governance and professional matters

Posts tagged communications
The theory of organisations, management and leadership

Drucker made it clear that leaders, managers, academics and researchers in the fields of organisations, management, communication and change need to challenge the very foundations and assumptions of their work. Roddick said "we went looking for employees, but people turned up instead." The starting points for all organisations are people and values.

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The Influence of Key Stakeholders

Over the last fifty years, the range of key stakeholders for most corporations has been expanding. Corporate responsibility expectations are changing as a result of the influence of key stakeholders, with the consequence of potentially limiting the ability of shareholders and managers to operate in their preferred environment. In the meantime, the more traditional key stakeholders, shareholders, clients, customers, suppliers and staff, are asking for more involvement in organisational operations.

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Transactional Relationships - Is this still the Australian way in Asia?

It is important that as Australia creates its strategy for the Asian Century we realise we are well beyond the transactional relationships that apparently continue to occupy the minds of those in government, business and media. Australia needs to work hard to move from the little lot down the road to become part of Asia's back yard.

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The Young, The Bald & The Leadership

Instead, she set about making a documentary called Baby, Let Your Hair Hang Down and started working with children who suffer from alopecia. She researched the identity and image problems children suffer as a result of the disease, which can lead to bullying and trauma. This is all on top of continuing her usual work.

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Leadership Communication is The Leader's Beacon

The Leader’s Beacon? Dr Martin Luther King Jr used the phrase “a great beacon light of hope” in his famous dream speech. Beacons are both symbolic and practical. They mark the final destination of journeys. They illuminate the path ahead and provide early warnings of possible dangers. They call people together to unite in taking great actions. And, in the case of radio beacons, they help us listen and respond to messages from others.

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Scenarios - A thinking and planning tool

Many organisations have failed to see scenario planning as a wonderful method for strategy thinking and planning, yet experience demonstrates that scenario planning produces innovative, practical, inspirational plans that focus on delighting customers and clients.

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Stop the crisis - Monitor the external environment

In these cases and many others, we are talking about companies with immense experience and excellent reputations. They are managed well and would have crisis and risk management plans. Yet in each case, the consequences exceeded anything they planned for.

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Thinking is a valuable resource

I remember well the stunned reaction of a senior management team when I presented a detailed strategy and action plan that eliminated my own role from the organisation. Before the presentation, I was seen to be talking to a lot of people at all levels of the organisation, therefore I was plotting. It never occured to any of them I would advise they change the nature of my own position and employ a person more suitable to the needs of the organisation.

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Associations and Member based organisations - A new way?

Social media creates the opportunities for associations to implement their actions, not just their communications. Why communicate when they can "do" in such a public fashion that the communication effect is multiplied exponentially? They are failing to use the power of multifaceted relationships and not getting the benefits they should out of social media.

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Dear CEO, 11 starting points for creating your communications

All relationships are based on communications, but you don’t just tell things to people, you also listen to them. You do this in your personal and social life, you must do it in your professional life as well. Many organisations are terrible listeners because they confuse the need to listen with the action of failing to take decisions or the perception of lack of leadership. Great leaders listen.

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Dear CEO, is the media that important?

We accept media stories at face value until they are challenged by someone "in the know" or who we have a relationship with. Once challenged, we tend to favour the new version of the story because we know that "media world" is a mythical place, not the community in which we live. Short term stories rarely do the damage we believe, and are usually made ineffective by a quick, straightforward response. The real impact is on those who are the focus of the story, not the broader community.

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Dear CEO, is there a difference between internal and external comms?

Your employees do a lot of your external communication, relationship building and reputation creation. And they are very, very credible. They are in essence similar to every other stakeholder and need to hear the same things and be heard in similar ways. If as CEO you want to create relationships with your employees (and you do or you wouldn't be in this position!) then you should really communicate with them in the same vein as every other stakeholder. The tools may be different, but the values, themes, relationships and reputation effects are the same.

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