Drucker made it clear that leaders, managers, academics and researchers in the fields of organisations, management, communication and change need to challenge the very foundations and assumptions of their work. Roddick said "we went looking for employees, but people turned up instead." The starting points for all organisations are people and values.
Read MoreBeacons
My thoughts around organisations, business, strategy, governance and professional matters
The evidence demonstrates that increasing the involvement of women has markedly beneficial effects on business, both short and long-term. Therefore you would think that Boards and senior management teams striving to do the best possible thing in the interests of the company and shareholders would be clamoring for much greater participation on Boards and in senior management for women.
Read MoreIn the Asian century, business as usual is not enough. Because what we know clearly is there isn't a single aspect of government policies and national planning that won't be touched by the great changes to come. Food security and foreign investment, immigration and education, stock market structures and financial regulation, energy policy and environmental standards.
Read More"This surprisingly refreshing book has given me a different perspective on approaches than can be non-threatening, more flexible and meaningful to audiences within less open cultures. I'd highly recommend it as a hand book to anyone who is looking to make himself or herself relevant as a leader."
Read MoreInstead, she set about making a documentary called Baby, Let Your Hair Hang Down and started working with children who suffer from alopecia. She researched the identity and image problems children suffer as a result of the disease, which can lead to bullying and trauma. This is all on top of continuing her usual work.
Read MoreThe Leader’s Beacon? Dr Martin Luther King Jr used the phrase “a great beacon light of hope” in his famous dream speech. Beacons are both symbolic and practical. They mark the final destination of journeys. They illuminate the path ahead and provide early warnings of possible dangers. They call people together to unite in taking great actions. And, in the case of radio beacons, they help us listen and respond to messages from others.
Read MoreVarious Australian governments, by allowing money to talk so loudly, have put themselves into a spiral where this same pattern is repeated over and over. And each time the pattern is repeated, the cost of fixing it becomes higher and higher. Also each time, it is our values, our lives and the futures we are trying to create that are diminished.
Read MoreFind an organisation in the news that is attracting a lot of criticism for an aspect of its performance. Look particularly at those where a lot of people are proposing solutions which have a really common feel to them. Identify some underlying long term issues affecting that organisation and see if you can come up with a different solution to everyone else.
Read MoreIf you feel as though your passion is draining because you are spending so much time dealing with corporate policy breaches or reporting; If you feel as though you are having problems achieving in your work because of the barriers and complexities of policies; If you feel as though you need someone in your organisation just to ensure and audit policy compliance even though this position doesn't add to productivity or customer delight:- ... start by challenging and analysing the policy itself before you move on to other explanations.
Read MoreI remember well the stunned reaction of a senior management team when I presented a detailed strategy and action plan that eliminated my own role from the organisation. Before the presentation, I was seen to be talking to a lot of people at all levels of the organisation, therefore I was plotting. It never occured to any of them I would advise they change the nature of my own position and employ a person more suitable to the needs of the organisation.
Read MoreIf you think in terms of perfection, you are setting yourself and your organisation up for failure, and you will be unable to create long term sustainable success.
Read MoreCompetition is a learning and growth experience. By competing, we learn from those with similar values and goals, including our customers and competitors, and find inspiration and methods to improve our own performance.
Read MoreThere are options for the structure and make-up of senior management teams, which include: * Alignment to the strategic plan * Multiple teams to cover varying leadership areas, with some consistent members on each * Selection based on leadership skills and alignment to corporate values, not just departmental management * Including external people on your management team
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