A Beacon for all Leadership Cultures
One of our greatest stumbling blocks in Asia is overcoming the non-confrontational culture when it comes to practicing open, effective communication as leaders. This surprisingly refreshing book has given me a different perspective on approaches than can be non-threatening, more flexible and meaningful to audiences within less open cultures. I'd highly recommend it as a hand book to anyone who is looking to make himself or herself relevant as a leader. Nik Anis Nik Zakaria, General Manager Corporate Communications, Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad and President, Malaysia Chapter, International Association of Business Communicators
I have to admit to being overwhelmed when I received this review of my book, The Leader's Beacon: The 55-minute guide to Leadership Communication.
So much written about leadership has been based on Western and North American experiences, often featuring notions of charisma, command and control, and the need for followers.
In contrast, I learnt so much about leadership from people in Australian Indigenous communities and from time spent in Asia. I remain convinced that there is a communications framework that will work, whatever your style of leadership. I'm also convinced that leadership has to be a very personal thing. You have to lead in your own way to suit your own style, if you are going to be a successful leader.
So a book requested by a European Publisher has been endorsed by people from Australia, Asia and the USA. And this particular review highlights one of the most important features of the book, its ability to be useful across cultures and in many different leadership situations.
The Leader's Beacon describes a Leadership Communication Framework that will work for any style of leadership. I hope that it helps you in your leadership endeavours, wherever you may be.
The Leader's Beacon: The 55-minute guide to Leadership Communication can now be ordered on Amazon. It is published by Verb Publishing (UK).
Note: BTW, I don't view authoritarian or dictatorial styles as leadership at all - if these are your styles, I can't help you!