Publications & Presentations
I have been the fortunate recipient of guidance from many people over many years. It's important to me to share the knowledge, experience and skills I've gained through publications, presentations, teaching, coaching and blogs.
Here are some of the major examples that I hope will help you as many others have helped me over the years
The Leader's Beacon
The succinct, compelling and highly practical book provides a simple, adaptable framework to guide discovery of what REAL leadership communication is in any situation – not the one-sided exercise of power and authority, but the building of authentic, values-driven relationships between people to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.
The Leader’s Beacon: The 55-minute guide to Leadership Communication is a quick guide to the communications essentials that underlie all leadership communications, regardless of leadership style.
Leadership is a natural human activity that inevitably occurs in our lives. Just as inevitable is communication, a human activity that is integral to every human endeavour. This book ties the two together in a way that will help you understand when your communication is leadership communication.
Why is it called The Leader’s Beacon? Dr Martin Luther King Jr used the phrase “a great beacon light of hope” in his famous dream speech. Beacons are both symbolic and practical. They mark the final destination of journeys. They illuminate the path ahead and provide early warnings of possible dangers. They call people together to unite in taking great actions. And, in the case of radio beacons, they help us listen and respond to messages from others.
Leadership communication achieves the same result, acting as the Leader’s Beacon.
The book is intended for anyone who has made (or is considering making) the decision to lead, particularly in businesses, organisations and communities. It will also help those who want to work with leaders to improve their effectiveness and prospects of success.
The Leadership Communication Framework
In 2016, I presented the Leadership Communication Framework to Australian leaders in the Associations Sector. The presentation was at the AuSAE (Australian Society of Association Executives) Conference & Exhibition in Canberra.
Go to Learn More to download the presentation.
Helping your CEO be the Best they can be - The role of Communications
Presentation in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for the IABC Malaysian Chapter
As a professional communicator, both in the workplace and academic, I believe it is important that communicators add as much value as possible to their organisations. One of the key roles of organisational communicators is to help the Chief Executive Officer be the best possible leader for the time, through communication advice, environmental scanning, guidance on trends and by being the link between customers, stakeholders and the internal part of the organisation.
I was a member of the team that developed the Tripartite National Strategic Plan for Radiation Oncology 2012 - 2022.
In 2016, I was acknowledged as the co-Author of a Poster, The Economics of Radiation Risk Reduction in Medical Imaging, accepted for the EPSM Conference, authored by Dr Ian Smith, President ACPSEM, and J Rivers from the Queensland Cardiovascular Group.