My CV, Thoughts and Information
This could be the moment.jpg


My thoughts around organisations, business, strategy, governance and professional matters

Dear CEO, is there a difference between internal and external comms?

I've been pondering the real differences between internal and external communications from the point of view of CEO. It seems that getting in the internal communications specialists is the trend for organisations, especially in the change management field. Organisational success is dependent on some basics. including the ability to compete. That ability not only relies on quality of product (the Beta Video was higher quality than VHS and look what happened to that), but also on relationships, reputation and creating a value proposition.

There are many aspects to building these assets, but a crucial one for the business strategy is to understand the true nature of your "internal audiences" as the primary connections between your organisation and the external world. At every level, employees deal with external stakeholders. CEO deal with key influencers including boards, major clients and customers, government and heads of associated organisations. And CEO work with senior managers doing the same in their own specialist fields.

But all of your employees are dealing with stakeholders and influencers. What is your reputation around the backyard barbecue? What's being talked about at local bars and clubs where your potential new customers go to hear the latest? Does anybody even think of you at schools and sports clubs where your potential new employees are gathered? Do you really need me to mention twitter and facebook?

We all operate at different levels which may be broadly categorised as individuals, community members and professionals. As individuals we are concerned about our families and friends and want to know what's going on in their lives and what can affect them in the wider world. As members of school communities, sports clubs, local bar drinkers, regular restaurant diners, theatre goers, virtual communities and the myriad of other social "organisations" that exist, we have interests that are far broader than what is happening at work. And then there's our work life, where we need to know what's going on to help us do our jobs better and want to know what's going on because we are human and that's what humans are like.

You've heard the phrase that word of mouth is the most powerful communication tool of all. Perhaps you've also realise that "word of mouth" has never just travelled through people talking, but spreads through many media, including facebook, twitter, and emails. Word of mouth is not an expression about how word gets around. It describes an experience - we have information, we know people who'd like to hear that information, we pass that information on as quickly as possible to those we know without bothering too much about accuracy (after all it's a great story). It's immensely quick to spread, especially with new technologies. And it's immensely credible not because the listeners believe the facts but because it comes from or via someone we know and it confirms an attitude, emotion or passion the listener already understands.

The major source of word of mouth about you and your company is your employees.

What I'm saying is that your employees do a lot of your external communication, relationship building and reputation creation. And they are very, very credible.

They are in essence similar to every other stakeholder and need to hear the same things and be heard in similar ways. If as CEO you want to create relationships with your employees (and you do or you wouldn't be in this position!) then you should really communicate with them in the same vein as every other stakeholder. The tools may be different, but the values, themes, relationships and reputation effects are the same.

You need to communicate with them as individuals and as community members, not just as professionals. When you meet the CEO of your main client, do you immediately say Hi, here's what we can do for you and then leave? Or do you ask how they are, talk about the latest local news, bemoan the fortunes of a sports team, provide a critique of the latest movie? You may think of these techniques as ice breakers or small talk to start or finish meetings, but they are actually crucial aspects of relationship building that create connections between you and your client's life as an individual and a community member.

Your people not only need to be communicated with in the same way, but also need to be given the same skills to undertake the communications they will deal with in their external lives. Think of your employees planning a holiday. Perhaps they want to go to India for the Indian Premier League Cricket or Commonwealth Games. Perhaps to South Africa for the World Cup. Perhaps to New York to experience the Big Apple. Do you pass on travel advisories, warnings about terrorism or crime, places to see and stay? Do you make resources available to find out these things? Imagine the discussion at the next backyard barbecue - We were worried about going away but the company has this website that helped us get great information and we've been able to organise a dream trip to Australia.

Something really simple, not even remotely costly and nothing to do with your business, but can you feel the reaction of those listening to the enthusiasm and excitement of your employee and their family - my employer doesn't help us with holidays, and they should, after all we work to live, don't we? And this is time with my family we're talking about, why can't my boss think like that?

I'm suggesting that a major part of internal communication should be driven by the requirements of external communication to achieve your business strategies. And maybe, as a result, your company would benefit better by utilising those who are experts in stakeholder relationships and external communication to drive your internal communications, rather than people in HR or change management.

I'm not saying don't use internal communications specialists or change management experts. I am saying that this decision has broader implications for your business strategy. As CEO, you need to look at the big picture and there may be more efficient and innovative ways to go.

This blog was first posted on Geoff's Gobbledegook, Geoff's personal blog site provided through the International Association of Business Communicators Xchange blog program