The framework to take the decision to outsource elements of your organisation's operations has changed in the 21st century. The long-term consequences of outsourcing without considering the very foundations of organisations are becoming more apparent. The real problem with outsourcing is “fracturing”, the splitting of what should be integrated parts of the organisation.
Read MoreDrucker made it clear that leaders, managers, academics and researchers in the fields of organisations, management, communication and change need to challenge the very foundations and assumptions of their work. Roddick said "we went looking for employees, but people turned up instead." The starting points for all organisations are people and values.
Read MoreThe evidence demonstrates that increasing the involvement of women has markedly beneficial effects on business, both short and long-term. Therefore you would think that Boards and senior management teams striving to do the best possible thing in the interests of the company and shareholders would be clamoring for much greater participation on Boards and in senior management for women.
Read MoreIt is important that as Australia creates its strategy for the Asian Century we realise we are well beyond the transactional relationships that apparently continue to occupy the minds of those in government, business and media. Australia needs to work hard to move from the little lot down the road to become part of Asia's back yard.
Read MoreIn the Asian century, business as usual is not enough. Because what we know clearly is there isn't a single aspect of government policies and national planning that won't be touched by the great changes to come. Food security and foreign investment, immigration and education, stock market structures and financial regulation, energy policy and environmental standards.
Read More"This surprisingly refreshing book has given me a different perspective on approaches than can be non-threatening, more flexible and meaningful to audiences within less open cultures. I'd highly recommend it as a hand book to anyone who is looking to make himself or herself relevant as a leader."
Read MoreAs well as being central in Asia and having a heritage with European influences, Malaysia has strong links into the sub-continent, South West Asia, the Middle East and the newer Islamic republics in the region. There will be many business opportunities in these regions in the years to come.
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