Skills Impact
I am Executive Manager, Stakeholder Engagement for
Skills Impact Ltd
I report directly to the CEO and am a member of the Executive Management Team. I started this role in August 2018. Please scroll down for more information about Skills Impact, my responsibilities and some of our achievements.
Skills Impact plays a key role in Australia’s skills system
About Skills Impact
Skills Impact is a not-for-profit, industry-owned organisation working nationally in the Australian skills system, identifying skills needs and developing skills standards for industry to help meet those needs. Through our work, learners and workplaces have access to nationally consistent skills standards and qualifications, supporting greater employment opportunities and industry competitiveness.
Working with industry and government, we are able to track industry trends and document skills opportunities and challenges. We collaborate with industry, government and training providers, to review and develop vocational units of competency, skill sets and qualifications.
We work with major employers and industry peak bodies, small and medium businesses, government agencies, Industry Reference Committees, industry experts and business analysts to benefit skills development in agriculture; horticulture; conservation & ecosystem management; animal care and management; food, beverage and meat; racing and breeding; forest, timber and wood; and pharmaceutical manufacturing. We established a NSW operation as an Industry Training Advisory Body in 2021.
We know from our work that a competent employee is a more knowledgeable, confident, safe and productive worker. Australia has one of the most comprehensive vocational skills systems in the world and that is due, in part, to industry input into the documentation of skills standards for various skilled activities and job roles. Industry needs the assurance that the vocational qualifications in which learners enrol will produce graduates that are job ready. Ongoing review of national qualifications and competences is an important part of that outcome.
As part of our Skills Service Organisation role, we work with 12 Industry Reference Committees (IRCs) to review and update the national training packages that contain units of competency, skill sets and qualifications.
Skills Impact is a principles-based organisation and our values are:
We will work with you in a way that is open, transparent, trustworthy, collaborative and respectful.
We will always consider ways to be adaptable, flexible, inquisitive, dedicated, conscientious and accountable
My Role
I lead the stakeholder engagement functions for Skills Impact, including the industry engagement team which works with industry to identify future skills needs for Australian industry and prepare plans for the development of skills standards to meet those needs.
My responsibilities include:
Development of effective relationships with key Skills Impact stakeholders to ensure we remain driven by industry needs and are an avenue for effective engagement with the Australian skills system
The delivery of Industry Skills Forecasts and Annual Updates for the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC)
The support of effective operations for 12 Industry Reference Committees, including undertaking consultation and research, developing responses and submissions, and approval of skills forecasts and standards
Contribution to Skills Impact strategy and operations, including Board reporting, accountability, and the growth of Skills Impact as a learning organisation
Working with the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment to meet the needs of the government and the AISC
Oversight of a team of industry engagement managers and external service providers, as well as executive management responsibilities
Undertaking and overseeing the development of strong, working relationships with national peak bodies and major employers, including the National Farmers Federation, ForestWorks, Mintrac, Seafood Industry Australia, Racing Australia, Arboriculture Australia, the Australian Veterinary Association, the National Indigenous Australians Agency, North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance, Parks & Leisure Australia and more than 100 other key stakeholder organisations
Successfully identified and designed solutions to meet skills needs
Reported to the Australian Government on industry issues related to COVID-19 through the Australian Industry and Skills Committee
Submitted emergency response project to support the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry to meet Australian Government objectives related to vaccine production and sovereign capacity approved in September 2020
Drafted and finalised proposals, papers and presentations with the guidance of Industry Reference Committees to benefit industry involvement with the vocational education and training system
Research, drafting and presentation of the Skills Impact submissions to:
The Productivity Commission Study into the National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development
The AQF Review and contributions to the VET Expert Panel Review (Joyce Report)
The Australian Government consultation on Improving Industry Engagement and Reforming Qualifications in VET (and assisting Industry Reference Committees to finalise their own submissions)
Led the successful establishment and start-up operations of the new Skills Impact operation, the AFAM NSW Industry Training Advisory Body, in February-April 2021
Research, drafting and presentation of Industry Skills Forecasts and Annual Updates, accepted by the Australian Industry and Skills Committee relating to eight Training Packages on behalf of twelve Industry Reference Committees for years 2019, 2020 and 2021
Approval and funding of more than 35 projects to update Australian Skills Standards
Led the high performing Industry Engagement team and work on strategic communication planning and delivery
Advisory, research and proposal services for IRCs covering national industries: Agriculture and Production Horticulture; Amenity Horticulture, Landscaping and Conservation & Land Management; Aquaculture and Wild Catch fishing; Animal Care and Management; Racing and Breeding; Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Forest, wood and Timber; and the Meat industry
Development of research proposals relating to improved consultation approaches for Indigenous involvement in vocational skills standards development